

The toggle is used to choose between two exclusive options like on and off. The standard configuration uses icons to represent each option, however options must always have readable label text whether visibly revealed or not.

Toggles should be enclosed in a fieldset and legend, to provide context for generic states. In general, this is handled within the Forms component.

Examples Good Bad
Label for radio Yes/No 1/0
Label for radio On/Off True/false
Legend Send Notification Notification_Send


API: unstable

To set the on or off state you need to add the checked attribute to the radio input element for that state.

Ensure the label FOR attribute matches the ID attribute in the input.

When using a Toggle inside a Form, use a Multi Input Group - see Forms page for details.

                                                                              <div class="ace-toggle ace-toggle-icon" id="enabledOff">
                                                                                <input checked="checked" id="enabledOffoff" type="radio" name="enabledOff" value="Off">
                                                                                <label for="enabledOffoff"><span class="ace-icon ace-icon-control-off"></span><span class="ace-text">Off</span>
                                                                                <input id="enabledOffon" type="radio" name="enabledOff" value="On">
                                                                                <label for="enabledOffon"><span class="ace-icon ace-icon-control-on"></span><span class="ace-text">On</span>

                                                              <% ace.Toggle(Array(_
                                                                "onstatetext", "on",_
                                                                "offstatetext", "off",_
                                                                "name", "enabledOnASP",_
                                                                "checkedstate", "on"_
                                                              )) %>

                                                                              <div class="ace-toggle ace-toggle-icon" id="enabledOn">
                                                                                <input id="enabledOnoff" type="radio" name="enabledOn" value="Off">
                                                                                <label for="enabledOnoff"><span class="ace-icon ace-icon-control-off"></span><span class="ace-text">Off</span>
                                                                                <input checked="checked" id="enabledOnon" type="radio" name="enabledOn" value="On">
                                                                                <label for="enabledOnon"><span class="ace-icon ace-icon-control-on"></span><span class="ace-text">On</span>

                                                              <% ace.Toggle(Array(_
                                                                "onstatetext", "on",_
                                                                "offstatetext", "off",_
                                                                "name", "enabledOffASP",_
                                                                "checkedstate", "off"_
                                                              )) %>

Disabled Toggles

Toggles will appear disabled when set to aria-disabled="true"; or they appear within disabled fieldsets. Note this is style only and you must also set each input to disabled="disabled" to actually prevent activation.

                                                                              <div class="ace-toggle ace-toggle-icon" id="disabledIconOff" aria-disabled="true">
                                                                                <input disabled="disabled" checked="checked" id="disabledIconOffoff" type="radio" name="disabledIconOff" value="Off">
                                                                                <label for="disabledIconOffoff"><span class="ace-icon ace-icon-control-off"></span><span class="ace-text">Off</span>
                                                                                <input disabled="disabled" id="disabledIconOffon" type="radio" name="disabledIconOff" value="On">
                                                                                <label for="disabledIconOffon"><span class="ace-icon ace-icon-control-on"></span><span class="ace-text">On</span>

                                                              <% ace.Toggle(Array(_
                                                                "type", "icon",_
                                                                "onstatetext", "on",_
                                                                "offstatetext", "off",_
                                                                "name", "disabledIconOffASP",_
                                                                "checkedstate", "off",_
                                                                "disabled", "true"_
                                                              )) %>

Text Toggles

To display Text Toggles, set the class ace-toggle-text instead of ace-toggle-icon

                                                                              <div class="ace-toggle ace-toggle-text" id="TextOff">
                                                                                <input checked="checked" id="TextOffoff" type="radio" name="TextOff" value="Off">
                                                                                <label for="TextOffoff"><span class="ace-text">Off</span>
                                                                                <input id="TextOffon" type="radio" name="TextOff" value="On">
                                                                                <label for="TextOffon"><span class="ace-text">On</span>

                                                              <% ace.Toggle(Array(_
                                                                "type", "text",_
                                                                "onstatetext", "on",_
                                                                "offstatetext", "off",_
                                                                "name", "TextOffASP",_
                                                                "checkedstate", "off"_
                                                              )) %>

ASP Attributes

Name Description
name Sets ID of the toggle
customclass Adds a custom class
type Sets type of toggle, defaults to "icon"
disabled Disables the toggle
checkedstate Sets the initial checked state - that is, whether the toggle is on or off.
onstatetext Sets the on state text
offstatetext Sets the off state text
onstatevalue Sets the value parameter of the on state
offstatevalue Sets the value parameter of the off state


  • jQuery 1.10.2
  • Swipe support: Hammer JS



Event Description Example
change When a Toggle''s state is changed, a change event is triggered on the radio button set within the toggle control. Remember to listen for events on the radio buttons and not the Toggle''s wrapper element. $('#toggleID input[type=radio]').on('change', function(){ //Do something });

Optional Methods

Function Arguments Description Example
init elementSelector Bind all the events to toggle. ACE.ToggleControl.init('.ace-toggle');
destroy elementSelector Removes the event bindings. ACE.ToggleControl.destroy('.ace-toggle');